- Before sending an encrypted email, it's first necessary for the sender and recipient(s) to send each other a signed email to exchange their public keys. See the directions on how to send a signed email at: https://www.greghalpin.net/2018/02/how-to-sign-email-with-smart-card.html
- Insert your smartcard into the card reader and log on.
- Launch Outlook.
- Create a new email.
- Address and write your email as you normally do.
- Click on the Options ribbon\menu button (upper left of the email window).
- You may see a button named Encrypt. Click on it.
- If you do not see the option to Encrypt, click on More Options at the right end of the Options ribbon\menu.
- Click on Security Settings.
- Check the box next to "Encrypt message contents and attachments"
- Check the box next to "Add digital signature to this message"
- OK.
- Click on Close.
- Click Send.
- You will be prompted for your smartcard PIN. Enter your PIN and click OK.
- The email is signed, encrypted, and sent.
- On new emails you create on the same system in the future, you will see a Sign and Encrypt buttons in the Options menu\ribbon. Click those buttons to skip steps 9 through 12.
Note: Once you have Outlook open and sign\encrypt one email, you can continue signing\encrypting additional emails without having to enter your PIN. It’s only required once per Outlook session or if you remove and re-enter your smartcard.
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