Friday, August 5, 2016

Long Forgotten How-To Video With Over 30,000 Views

Check out this How To Video on Lotus Notes Advanced Calendar Features. I made it over five years ago to show people how to create and schedule meetings in Lotus Notes. It was originally intended for an audience of only a few hundred users internally in the College of the Liberal Arts. 

We migrated away from Lotus Notes a few years ago. Today I happened to be searching for an old email and stumbled upon one about this video. I'm happily surprised to see that it's had over 30,000 views, well above the 200 views it had the last time I referred someone to it. If you are still using Lotus, you may find this helpful as the interface is much the same.

The video demonstrates how to schedule meetings by checking the availability of individuals and rooms. It also shows in one place who accepted and who declined the meeting invitation.  

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